Real Property Management One in Livermore CA. The trusted leader for professional property management services.

Reducing Fire Hazards at Your Livermore Rental Property

If you are an investment homeowner in Livermore, then you’ve put a lot of effort and time in your rental property to make it a safe and enjoyable place for residents to live. However, if you do not practice good fire prevention habits or educate your residents to do so, the protection of both your property and your inhabitants might be in question.

Practicing fire safety is simple for both residents and homeowners to perform year-round. Don’t wait for a fire hazard to make itself known and begin preparing reducing fire hazards today. Check out these suggestions from Real Property Management One to reduce fire hazards in your Livermore rental home.

1.      Check Fire Extinguishers Regularly

As an investment homeowner, once you have readied your rental house for residents to move in and complied with property fire safety procedures, such as providing the property with a fire extinguisher, it can be simple to forget it is there. Your residents may also forget about the location of the fire extinguisher if not reminded. One of the best ways to ensure that your fire extinguisher is prepared if needed would be to perform a visual check annually.

While it appears easy, it might be lifesaving. When conducting a visual check, a landlord or homeowner should make certain that it is in its designated place, that it is not ruined, that nothing blocks or obstructs it, and that it is fully operational. Additionally, you must check that the pressure gauge is within the operating range and the pull pin is sealed and intact. The fire extinguisher may also have a tag on it, so make sure you mark the date of the visual assessment once you perform it.

2.      Fire Marshal Review

Many residents and homeowners alike suppose that you just get a hold of the fire department if there’s an emergency, but your local fire department provides various free services to make certain your property is protected from fire dangers. It’s necessary that this thorough fire assessment is accomplished by a specialist, and your residents are at the property to answer questions and find out useful fire prevention suggestions.

These home security checks are all free and worth every second of it. The fire marshal will evaluate things like evacuation plans, the frequency of furnace and fireplace cleaning, secure storage of flammable stuff, if a smoke alarm requires replacement, etc. Make the most of the free service annual.

3.      Appliance Fire Safety

As soon as you’ve prepared your Livermore rental property as best you can to prevent a fire, then you must also teach your residents the way to make fire-safe choices in their daily life. This would consist in giving them instructions to eliminate items that are covering or surrounding appliances such as water heaters and furnaces.

It’s ideal to mark a place around those appliances with tape or another sort of permanent marking that reminds residents to keep flammable items behind this line. Other items like making sure all protective covers are in place and removing lint and dust from ducts will serve to prevent fires occurring in your rental property.

Start making your Livermore rental property a safer place to live today with these tips to reduce fire hazards. If you would like more information about Real Property Management One and our services, then contact us online or call us at 925-794-8339 today!