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8 Things You Can’t Put in the Disposal

If, in any case, your Dublin rental home has a garbage disposal, you can easily figure out that it is one of the hardest-working appliances in the kitchen. But that in no way means it could handle all types of “garbage.” Even if most garbage disposals handle a lot of food scraps with ease, there are a few items that you shall never put in a garbage disposal. Doing so could seriously damage the disposal’s motor, blades, and more. To keep from expensive repairs and keep your garbage disposal working great, keep these items out of your kitchen sink.

  1. Coffee grounds. It could appear like those coffee grounds would just slip right down your kitchen pipes, but, in fact, they could definitely build up in your pipes and create a nasty sludge. And trying to grind them up with the disposal won’t do your disposal blades any good, either.
  2.  Eggshells. Not everyone is in agreement that eggshells should stay out of your garbage disposal, but they can actually cause significant problems. The shell’s thin membrane can get stuck around your disposal’s blades and cause the whole thing to get damaged. It’s preferable to wholly toss your eggshells in the trash, instead.
  3. Fruit seeds and pits. Small, hard objects should never be put down your garbage disposal. Fruit seeds and pits are part of this type. If indeed, you can’t cut the seeds or pit with a knife, your garbage disposal won’t be able to grind it up, either.
  4. Popcorn kernels. Much like fruit seeds, popcorn kernels are too hard for your disposal blades to grind. Those kernels will get stuck in your disposal’s machinery and for sure, cause the whole thing to seize up. Trying to get them back out would be a true nightmare, additionally.
  5. Bones and seafood shells. Very small bones and seafood shells could so easily slip through the disposal without any disturbances, but those big ones could make a mess of your plumbing and your disposal unit. Most bones are too hard and dense for the disposal to break down. They will clog your pipes.
  6. Potato peels. It is very tempting, indeed, to simply wash your potato peels down the drain and let your disposal try to chew them up. Except potato peels are full of starch, which will cause them to clump together in a thick paste that may ultimately clog your pipes. The same holds true for rice.
  7. Fibrous vegetables. Any type of vegetable that is stringy should, every time, be kept away from your garbage disposal. Celery, pumpkin, lettuce, artichokes, and asparagus can all get wrapped around your disposal’s blades. This would cause expensive plumbing repairs.
  8. Nuts. In various ways, your garbage disposal blades are a lot like a blender. Anything you put down there will get ground up. When you grind nuts, the end product is nut butter, which is sticky and not at all good for your disposal or your pipes. It could actually stick to the walls of your pipes and the inside of your disposal, creating clogs and other types of complications.

Other than these eight items, a suitable core principle for keeping your garbage disposal working properly is if you wouldn’t dump it down the drain, don’t put it in the disposal. By realizing quickly what you shouldn’t put in a garbage disposal, you could avoid unnecessary maintenance calls and repairs. Your landlord will love you for it!

If, in any case, you’re just now looking for a rental home or seeking guidance managing your Dublin rental property, contact Real Property Management One at 925-495-4953 to freely talk with an experienced Dublin property manager today!